Thursday, December 31, 2009

to a better decade

I toasted to a new year tonight with a new pink champagne, old acquaintances and new acquaintances.  I think that I've only been to a bar a small handful of times on New Years Eve.  Going to a friend's house with a number of other friends is much more desirable to me than heading out to a bar on amateur drunk night.

I heard more and more people say that 2009 has been the worse year they've ever experienced.  The recession, excessive job loss and swine flu were just a number of potential different causes. For me though, it was a pretty good year, although it definetly had it's low points.  My grandma dying was difficult.  It was especially noticeable during Christmas.

However, I also made a lot of personal progress this year.  Getting into grad school and finishing my first quarter with a B+ and an A were proud moments.  I had a fabulous bike summer and I particularly enjoyed the Michael Jackson Tribute ride and the World Naked Bike Ride.  Country Fair was pretty damn awesome.  The John Day Fossil Beds campout was great.  I wish I had gotten out of town more often though.

For this next year, I don't know if I'm making any unusual resolutions.  I am planning on going somewhere on a sunny, nice vacation at some point during a school break, either Spring or Summer.  I would like to take a train ride too.  I resolve to not get too stressed out with work and school.  I'm going to push myself but I'm going to pull back from work more if it gets to be to hard.  I also plan on getting rid of my car completely.  Those are my few goals which are probably attainable.  Anyway, I just hope it'll be another good year.

What else?
My friends' friend's friend Rianna taught me how to pop Snaps (those lil wrapped up fireworks) with my bare fingers.  Whoo.

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