Monday, December 28, 2009

quite resortful

In 1987, I went back to see my childhood friend that I had moved away from the year before.  He had just gotten an original Nintendo and he was playing the water level of Super Mario Brothers.  I was floored and thought that it was way beyond me.  It was also something I wanted.  Eventually, my family got one and every Christmas for the rest of my youth became about getting the newest game.

This Christmas was a throwback to the days of yesteryear as I got Wii Sports Resort.  Today, I tried it out and it was quite addictive.  I took Dean for a walk first so I wouldn't feel guilty when I began throwing a virtual frisbee to a virtual dog.  My favorite games on it were the Frisbee dog, wake-boarding and the 3 point shot competition which was the most exhausting and hazardous to our ceiling.  It was nice to take some time to just have fun before school starts but, when the time comes, I'll have to get all serious and study again.  Childish things and all that.

What else?
I loved being back with my family and getting snowed in together but it was absolutely delightful walking around Portland without a jacket.  While on store visit downtown, I went to buy my books for next quarter and took a nice walk in the sun to do so. 

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