Saturday, December 26, 2009

a vacation in two hours and forty-two minutes

Yesterday, I didn't leave my parent's house at all.  Today, I left reality for a few hours.

Cabin fever set in and none of us were going to be satisfied with playing board games any longer.  We checked the roads, figured out it was do-able and headed to Kearney where we went to a new theater.  It's a nice multiplex that wasn't there when I was in college.  And we went to see Avatar.

I've been wanting to see this movie for a while and I haven't seen a movie with most of my family in the theater for years.  My brother, dad and I liked it.  My niece didn't and my grandma got motion sickness from it.  It has a great message (although there is problems with about anything if you scrutinize it hard enough) and it's absolutely beautiful.  I can't wait to see it in 3-D when I get back to Portland.

What else?
My sister and youngest niece got to my parents' house today.  My littlest niece has long hair and loves dogs.  She's actually worn Oliver out.  I'm really grateful to be able to see them before I go home even if it's just for a little bit.

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