Sunday, July 19, 2009

options of plans

I never thought I'd quote Jennifer Aniston but here we go: "I always say don't make plans, make options." In writing this entry, I looked up quotes regarding 'plans' and that was the best one I came up with to describe how my day (or week) has gone.

I had a list of options today. I thought, "I could ride the springwater corridor far out or I could go see the new Harry Potter movie or I could go hang out downtown or I could go protest a Holocaust denier." In the end, I planned to go protest the Holocaust denier and then book it quick to the new Harry Potter. However, on the way, plans changed into no-longer options as I got a call from Ashes saying he broke his foot. Without hesitation, I headed back to take him to the hospital.

I don't want this to come off as sounding self-sacrificing. It was no big deal for me to change my plans, especially considering the weight of the problem. I just think that it's odd that this wasn't on my list of options today and suddenly became my highest priority. There'll be another opportunity to do any of the rest of my options (even protesting the Holocaust denier I'm sure) but I'm not going to bet on doing any of them. I'll just leave them open as options.

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