Saturday, November 10, 2007

too much destroy

Today I spent more time than ever praying to the porcelain god. I threw up last night when my housemate pulled the car over so I shouldn't have been sick today. However, I threw up first thing this morning. Later I ate a bagel with tofutti spread and then threw that up. I threw up nothing but bile again a while later. That's a nasty kind of throw-up. My mouth tasted so bad right afterwards that it caused me to throw up again. Then I ventured outside and bought some 7-up and soup. I threw that up too. Later I ate some more soup but slowly and with bread. That seemed to stay down...for now.

It's a 'new thing' (throwing up this much from brown bottle flu) that I won't soon be repeating. I would say never but that's too absolute. A while back, I wouldn't or couldn't 'casually' drink. The night wasn't over until I was stumbling around and throwing up. I decided that was stupid and unhealthy. Even on tour in Europe, I would stop after three beers generally except for the rare occasion. I guess I just needed a reminder, as painful and disgusting as it is, to jog my memory and let me know why I stopped being this stupid.

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