Monday, November 26, 2007

the rear ending

They say that bad things happen in threes so I’m nervous about what’s coming next. Today, I rear-ended somebody. I would love to say that this is a new thing for me…but it’s not. It’s happened once before when I was driving towards Clackamas on SE 82nd. At a stoplight, the car next to me began to move and I was day-dreaming. I thought traffic was moving so I hit the gas and hit the car in front of me. It didn’t look like I did any damage to the car ahead of me but I followed them as they pulled into the right lane but then they cut across into the left lane suddenly and into a parking lot. I followed them and parked. I got out of my car to talk to them and they pulled away quickly. My guess is they didn’t have insurance. My car was fine so that was fine by me.

Today, I hydro-planed with my big Lincoln full of clothes on Grand near Broadway. I tried to stop but it was impossible. I smacked into the car ahead of me pretty good. We both pulled over into a Wendy’s parking lot and neither of us saw any damage so we agreed to forget about it. As we were talking in the parking lot, we saw another rear-ending. I think there may have been something wrong with the road. When we were driving back by it on MLK, I noticed that there were police lights there so there was probably another rear-ending. Crazy.

Anyhow, with my punctured tire and now this, I wonder what my next car mishap will be.

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