Sunday, July 15, 2007

i loathe the mall

Mass commerce is revolting to me. It is so hard to not just start throwing elbows at people in the mall, especially when it gets packed. I remember as a kid, I saw the mall as the epicenter of everything. However, I grew annoyed, little by little as I found out that I couldn't really buy anything unique there. Even if I found a single unique t-shirt in one shop in the mall, I would find dozens more like it in the same store in a different mall in the next town over. I also saw that the mall had no heart, no soul and no clothes I really like anyway. Rarely do I go to the mall now and I always pray that my friends do not see me if I'm there. My cell phone company has a kiosk there where I can pay my bill and there are also the movie theaters there. Tonight I had to buck up and put up with the mall for the sake of seeing the new Harry Potter film which was AWESOME! I can't wait for the final book to come out!

Anyhoo, it was my first time in the mall theater. I don't care for big fandango theaters either but my lack of patience wouldn't let me wait to see Harry in the second-run theaters. It wasn't pleasant and I felt uncomfortable but I would say that it was worth it only because I'm that big of a dork!

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