Sunday, July 8, 2007

the agony and the empathy

So after hiking, my legs hurt again. I went to work at my regular time on Thursday (7/5/07) though. I wasn't there for very long when one of the clients there, we'll call her Nina, passed by my cubicle, stopped and asked me if I was okay. I thought it was a little odd but I said I was fine. Then she asked, concerned-like, if my legs were okay. I had not been hobbling around much, I hadn't mentioned my leg pain to anyone and I hadn't seen Nina at all yet that day. It was freaky.

When people go blind, their other senses become more acute to compensate. I am almost convinced that Nina has some form of empathy. I know it might sound like a lot of gobbledy-gook to people but it was too coincidental for me to easily dismiss. So that's my new thing for the day. I discovered a true empath. That and I wrote "gobbledy-gook" for the first time.

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