Sunday, June 3, 2007

nerd rock

I *heart* nerds. I guess I consider myself a nerd too so that's probably no surprise. Video games, always having a book with me and knowing or caring about the x-men history qualifies me as a bo-nerd-fied dork. Screw your labels anyway.

Last night, I went downtown with some friends to see Maaster Gaiden from Texas. My friend Adam is in the band. Plus their roadie is my good friend. Roadie Solidarity! They played at Ground Kontrol, an arcade/bar. I go to Ground Kontrol if I get tired of dancing at Embers on Wednesday nights to usually play a few rounds of Street Fighter II. Last night, I was all over Mortal Kombat II and Ms Pac-Man, a long-standing love of mine. My brother could spend hours in an arcade on one quarter, challenging various people to games of Mortal Kombat. I'm not that good. My friend Shawn and I used to stay up until the wee hours of the morning playing a Scorpion/Sub-Zero showdown (back, back, A). Occassionally, I'd switch from Sub-Zero to Sonya. At that point, Shawn would call me names that'd make a sailor blush.

See, like I said, NERD. Anyhow, the show was good. Maaster Gaiden has a great sound and they're all SO young! I wanted to hit a bar afterwards but that won't be possible with them for three years! Kids today!

So my new thing was seeing Maaster Gaiden and going to a show at Ground Kontrol and seeing a guy get dragged down the street by a car! Shit is crazy downtown and the sailors aren't even in town yet!

1 comment:

Lynnett said...

Sure, Mrs (or Ms...i'm not sure)Pacman is great and all, but I don't think it even comes close to grenade launchers in the temple. It doesn't get much better than that...
(i am jack's love of Bond. i have metal boobs. i will search and destroy.)