Monday, June 4, 2007


Back when Queer Revolution still existed, I knew a person named Click who attended some of our actions. Click’s a FTM (female to male). When I knew Click, Click was close to passing as male. I found something Click once wrote inspiring, “As soon as I can pass, I’ll wear a dress.” Society would just expect that Click was in the process of becoming a man because that’s the other accepted gender. But no, Click just wanted to defy societal norms.

I love defying expectations. Before I was out, I refused to do a lot of stereotypical guy things. I never ever played football. I wouldn’t work on my car. I didn’t even like to open stubborn jars. Now that I identify as a queer guy, I love moving stuff. I like out-benching my straight counterparts. I’ve even changed the sparkplugs in my car. I have more of a DIY mentality now but it’s also about not letting anyone else say what I should and shouldn’t be doing.

My new thing was fixing the table in our back patio area. As seen above, it was badly rotting and it turns out that it was painted with lead paint. Ashes took the old top and seats off and we put a new (and free) top on which is so much more accommodating to sit at. I love building stuff now. Screw the ‘gays are only good for decorating’ mentality.

I still won’t play football though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I must be the defiant girl then because as you were NOT working on cars or building things as a child/young adolescent I was and I am NOT lesbian! I begged and bugged my brother to play dolls and/or house with me...but then I was also always the one building or putting something together, learning from the neighbor about how to change spark plugs, etc. It does seem that girls can do any boy activity...even football...and have it be socially acceptable but it is not socially acceptable for boys to do girl activites at least to a certain extent. Another interesting note is that society also has begun giving our little girls "boy" names in recent years.