Monday, June 4, 2007

a 12 ft. dead publisher stole my scooter helmet

My friend Lynnett warned me I would get obsessed with blogging.

I was on my way home from work today, trying to think of what new thing to do today when I looked up and saw Mt Tabor. For all the non-Portlanders, Mt Tabor is an inactive volcano that a park was built upon in SE Portland. I decided scootering up Mt Tabor would qualify as my new thing. It's easily the most beautiful scooter ride I've taken to date.

While looking for photo op, I came across Harvey Scott. Harvey was a publisher in Oregon and died in 1910. There is a large statue of him on top of Tabor. My initial thought was to put my helmet on his head but the guy is at least 12 ft tall (or at least that's how tall he looks from the ground) and his head is proportionally as big. Then I thought I would just put the helmet at the base of his feet. Well, the pillar that he's on is 8 ft high with a slippery foothold at the bottom so I had to reach up and push the helmet up with my fingertips. And that's how I found out that Harvey is standing over a bowl. The helmet rolled inside the basin and there was no way for me to reach it by hand. I had to find a downed tree branch and fish it out, to the amusement of several dog-walkers.

All for the blog.

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