Tuesday, June 12, 2007

how many drinks could a deano-dog drink if a deano-dog could drink drinks?

Today, I took my dog to his very first bar, the Lucky Lab. He's almost forty seven in dog years and this was his first drink at a bar. No, I did not buy my dog a beer and no, he did not drink the whole thing but he took a slurp or two while I was busy getting him to pose. He usually has to resort to knocking over bottles at house parties so this was quite a treat!

I got Dean when he was only three months old. My deadly (at Bond) friend Lynnett hooked me up with him. He came from a huge litter. Fortunately I ended up with him because he's much cooler than his brothers and sisters. He's six and a half years old now. We've crossed several state lines together, put up with each other's gas, gone through kitchen carpet, drywall, garage walls, a couple of garden hoses, a few library books, numerous phone books, my Pablo Honey CD and more than his share of spilled Fat Tires but I still love him.

Here's to you Dean. Cheers. (yes, I know he'll never read this but he'll know. OH, he will know!)

1 comment:

Lynnett said...

Oh...he already knows. And yes, I am extremely deadly (at bond). :)