Tuesday, June 19, 2007

but we're never gonna survive unless...

disclaimer: (this picture is from Pride 2007 and has nothing to do specifically with my day. I just like it.)

I was 20 years old when I met my first crazy person. I mean, he was certifiably crazy, not just a little eccentric. I was a waiter at a Country Kitchen in McCook, Nebraska. I was working the evening shift and a transient came in with two full garbage bags. He just wanted a cup of coffee and a place to sit so they sat him in my section. I went over to take his order and he pulled out his money. I knew he didn't have enough. It didn't matter because I fully intended on buying it for him anyway.

There wasn't anyone else in the restaurant but it wasn't late enough to where the hostess and the cooks were waiting to leave. After the guy started his second cup of coffee, he started mumbling something about monkey brains. As I said, he was my first crazy person encounter so I was engrossed with him. I asked him what he said and then he started talking about how Jesus was back but living in a city that floats in the sky. Unfortunately, the hostess got a little freaked out when the guy started to get animated in his storytelling so she called the cops. Seeing as how it was a smaller city (less than 15,000), the police showed up relatively quickly and escorted the guy out of town.

I've always considered myself a little crazy as well. One has to be a little crazy. As Fox Mulder (grrrr) once said, "Sometimes the only sane response to an insane world is insanity."

So, today for the first time, I reported somebody for abuse of one of my clients at work. I can't divulge a lot of information about the case but she is being written off as 'crazy and lying' by her group home. It's frustrating. I like crazy people. They keep my job interesting. It's upsetting when people ignore or talk down to someone who is identified as insane. Hell, it's the sane ones that you have to watch out for.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Well said, w-e-l-l said!