Sunday, June 10, 2007

combustion, likely. spontaneous, hardly.

I'm not a spontaneous person. I rarely initially jump into situations. I make unusual choices and I will go out on a limb but there's the immediate denial or refusal (my gut reaction is always always ALWAYS to initally say no whether a friend is wanting me to do something or a guy buys me a drink, whatever the case may be), then there's the quick but precise thought process where I weigh the pros and the cons. Then I eventually come to a decision. I don't just go. Except for today.

It was all weighing on me. My let-down of a morning, the greasy and hardly edible breakfast (at a new place), the impending boredom of the afternoon and the warm weight-room filled with over-zealous frat boys and annoying rap got to be too much. I had to walk out of my work-out before I exploded. I was planning on listening to music and just drinking myself calm back at my house. However, I saw the pool. Off came the i-pod, the socks and shoes, the shirt and the weight-lifting gloves. I just leaped into the pool. It wasn't warm out today so there was no one else around. I imagined that steam really was flying off me like off a hot pan run under the faucet.

I count this as my new thing due to the nature and inception of it. The action itself may not have been brand new but the lack-of-conception behind it was new to me. I've been pushed into a pool before, fully clothed, I've jumped in before but not this spontaneous. It felt good...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Good for you Chris!