Wednesday, June 20, 2007

28 minutes later

I went to see 28 Weeks Later. I kind of liked it. I was feeling just paranoid and inebriated enough for it to have an impact on me while biking home.

I said goodnight to everyone and had every intention of biking to Embers to go dance. Before taking off on my bike, I noticed that my backlight blinker wasn't in my backpack. Then I realized my right glove was gone. Everybody else was leaving and I had to wait by the exit door for stragglers to leave so I could enter again. The guy behind the counter grabbed a flashlight and followed me when I told him I lost my glove (shit ain't cheap, yo). We went back and looked for it in a couple rows. Like I said before, I wasn't at the top of my game so I had no idea where it could be. I gave up and left but then I remembered that we should have looked in the booth we sat at after the film. I came back up to door, duder let me in and I found the glove and the blinker on the floor of the booth.

Before I could start biking again, I had this awful feeling that I would deeply regret biking downtown pretty soon. It was strong so I got spooked. I went around the block and turned back home. I was pretty paranoid about getting hit by a car so I stuck to the side roads. On one of the side roads, I passed by a cop in the black and yellow uniform. I freaked out inside but just rode by him quickly. The only car I saw on any of the side streets was one cop car but I saw a lot of silent cyclist zipping by in the night. I biked faster. I came up on one intersection of a side road and a well-lit cross road (Belmont) and I realized that I had never biked up to there before. I was seeing the world from a fresh perspective. Still I was spooked so I kept biking.

I didn't feel safe and hit familiar roads until Division. I didn't feel secure until I was in our back gate. Still, if I saw someone running at me, I would have screamed.

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