Friday, March 25, 2011


When we go on breaks from school, people talk about the vacations they're going to have or the trips they're going on.  Me, I just get to work more.  However, the flipside of that is I won't have loans when I get done with grad school.

This has been the first solid work week I have had in a long time.  I had winter break but between all of the holiday shenanigans, I didn't work a full week.  My desk is more clean now than it has been for a long long time but it wasn't an easy week (see yesterday's post) so Ashes and two other co-workers and I hit the Green Dragon for a celebration drink today.  I had a new stout there and I got to have a fun, great conversation not about work stuff with two people I almost never see out of work.  I hope to do this more often after I finish this internship.  10 more weeks to go...

What else?
I biked to work in 11 minutes today.  It's a record!  Since Sunday was the 1st day of spring, I've made a spring resolution to bike everyday! 

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