Saturday, March 26, 2011

the color process

I have trouble deciding what colors to wear each and every day so it makes sense that picking out what colors to paint the walls in the house today was an exhausting process for me.

Sophia and I headed to Home Depot to pick out five room colors and the color for the trim.  We even had a general idea, light green for the living room, yellow for the kitchen and bathroom, etc.  However, there are a whole lot of shades of yellow.  And then there's also different brands of paint (each of which have different yellow shades).  But there's also levels of glossiness to choose as well.  Oi.  It was fun but kind of tiring.  Thank goddess we had a very helpful clerk who wasn't above telling us how to get around the return policy should we change our minds.  We got it done though.  It was such an extensive project that I'm really glad we decided to do it the day before we painted because I am wiped out!

What else?
In the process of picking up painting paraphernalia, we popped over to Jennifers and then Ya Hala since we were in the neighborhood and Ya Hala always sounds good.  Ya Hala's also the place where I fondly remember eating with Michael B and Jemma when I was helping them fix up their new house.  Since then, I've associated it strongly with home repair.  Also, while we were waiting for our table, we visited the International Market.  I was hoping to see more food I remembered from Europe (Tartak) but ended up only finding a chocolate/marizipan bar that we ate constantly because it's vegan.  The candy bar is probably available all over town but it's special to me that I bought it at the International Market.

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