Saturday, March 12, 2011

holy homework batman

The end of this quarter kind of snuck up on me.  I was glad to see it go but I had to send it off with a paper that I had procrastinated around so today was all about the studying...and comics.

Guapo Comics and Coffee is a nice coffee shop on Foster just south of Holgate.  I've driven by it many times but never stopped in so I decided it would be where I settled in for the day to hash out my paper.  It was nice atmosphere and the employees seemed really nice.  I ordered breakfast and lunch there since I was there so long.  For lunch, I had their Pita Pizza.  The employee asked me what I wanted on it and offered to surprise me.  I told her she could surprise me as long as she didn't put meat on it.  She seemed stoked to have the creative outlet there and I'm sure I got a better lunch for it.

I was less pleased with my paper than with the place but I truly hate theory.  I chose to write on a theory that's more of a practice and less of a theory so I know my teacher will have problems with it.  However, I provided a proper critique of it but demonstrated how it could be applicable.  I don't know.  It's done and I'm on spring break!  Woo-hoo!

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