Friday, March 11, 2011

vegan pizza month

This whole immersion plan thing that Sophia and I came up with is taking it's toll on me. Salad was a nice change but, while I love Reubens, I ate a lot of them and I can feel the toll it has had on my body.  Fortunately, I like pizza and usually prefer vegan pizza so this month is working for my appetite if not my body.

On Monday, I hit pizza for lunch and dinner.  Hot Lips for lunch was the better than Rudy's for dinner.  Today, I hit Give Pizza a Chance for lunch and Sizzle Pie for dinner.  This is my 2nd time at Give Pizza a Chance and the first time I've eaten there.  Their deep dish Garden Vegan was amazing.  It was also an added bonus that Sophia just happened to be going there at the same time so we got to do lunch together.  Sizzle Pie had a lot of options but they were all mediocre.  One nice thing about the place was the server just dropped off an extra two slices at our table with my two ordered slices. One had meat on it but the other was vegetarian.  I put the meat slice at the counter by the window.  Later on, I saw a couple sit there and hand the meat slice back to the waiter.  The waiter then took it and offered it to someone at the end of the counter who was stoked to get it.

I'll probably try Sizzle Pie again because I need to get their signature fried egg on a pizza slice still. They also have a vegan breakfast slice called Drugs Benedict.  Oof, I'm full just thinking about it.

What else?
I met an awesome new on-call staff member today at my internship.  Actually, I was working with two relatively new on-call staff members in the afternoon and it dawned on me that I was the person with the most clout and seniority there at the moment.  That's an odd position for an intern to be in.

We also watched the Tsunami footage from Japan today at my internship.  I can't imagine what that would be like.  In the footage, they showed houses on fire caught up in the flow, moving along the countryside.  Shit, many people there survived the earthquake just to face a tsunami, flooding, fires and a potential nuclear crisis.  Ashes made a good point tonight though.  An 8.9 earthquake is damn powerful and it hit a heavily populated area.  Yet, the death toll was minimal which is due to their earthquake-sound structures.  Thank goodness for good engineers.

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