Friday, August 20, 2010

weak work week

It was a short work week time wise but it was a long work week otherwise.

My co-worker whom went into treatment not that long ago is still gone.  Also, Marty is gone on vacation.  That means I'm really really bored but I'm also getting things done.  Not having my favorite client or my favorite co-worker here has changed my perspective on my job.  I still find myself looking for my co-worker when something stupid or juicy happens in the office but she's not there.  It's the little things that I took for granted with her like telling her about my evening or the ease of working in the same room as her when we're supervising clients that I really miss.  It sucks.  However, I am really happy she is getting help.

Today, I had to MC the annual BBQ that she had scheduled but is now unable to set up.  Since I've helped her with it every year for the past four years, I'm in charge of it now.  It could have run more smoothly but I think that it ended up a success.  I think she'll be proud when I tell her next.

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