Monday, November 16, 2009

the question of emphasis

Excuse the bad picture but it wasn't really the place to whip out the camera.  It was a forum on the criminal 'justice' system that was required of all policy classes.  There were four speakers that again solidified my passion for social work and at the same time made me wonder what the hell I'm doing here.

I'm not questioning if I belong in this program but I'm questioning where exactly I belong.  There are three emphasis's an MSW can choose from: Community organizing, Direct human care or Administrative.  I originally came into it thinking that I would go into direct human care.  I love working one on one with people so it just makes the most sense.  However, you can affect more change by doing working with the policy (the administrative side).  I haven't really given much thought to the community organizing because that's what I do in my spare time.  Wayne Ford was on the panel though and he spoke passionately about community organizing and a former Queer Rev ally is also thinking of going with the community organizing emphasis.

The good news is that I don't have to declare my emphasis until my second year so I have some time to think it over (and change my mind over and over again.)

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