Thursday, November 12, 2009

give me something to sign about

I found out yesterday that one of my friend's friends left a suicide note on his blog and went missing.  I read it today.  It's more like a suicide manifesto.

While I agree with most of the things that he said (cars suck, the planet's going to hell, we're all doomed), I still don't see suicide as an option.

I admit that it's crossed my mind a time or two but so does using a sonic blast to blow out all of the windows in my work's hallway while I fight off an evil superhero.  Lots of things go through my mind.  It's when thoughts are dwelt on and carried to action that people need to be concerned.

This guy's note was pretty much accurate but it had a different impact on me.  It made me want to do more.  If everyone who was socially aware, believed we needed to recycle more and ride our bikes instead of drive gave up out of despair, there would be no hope.

Personally, if it gets to that point for me ever, I will just pack up my bags and start anew somewhere.  This world holds a lot of messed up people and scenarios but there is also a whole lot of new precious experiences out there.  If this one's not working for you, change your environment literally.

Today, I found a lot of beauty in the little things that I usually overlook.  I wish my friend's friend had had the opportunity to see things this way.

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