Saturday, May 23, 2009

the last drop

On Wednesday, I celebrated CARF being done (and us doing well) as well as a friend returning to town and getting in to grad school with Hana Hou Hou Shu, a pink carbonated sake. It was delightful, especially for my last drink.

CARF had been so stressful that I needed every available resource at my disposal, including coffee and alcohol. However, since it's done with for some time and my job's about to get easier than it's been ever, I decided I could do without certain crutches. Initially, I decided I was going to give up coffee and alcohol. I found out Thursday afternoon that I am addicted to coffee and I could not function without it. I literally dragged myself into a coffee shop at 3pm and HAD to buy a cup.

I have found it a lot easier to give up alcohol, which really makes me question whether or not it's necessary that I actually do give it up. Two of my co-workers have decided to quit drinking for one reason or another and, on my last day of CARF, I brought up the idea to one of them that I may quit drinking. She said that you really do feel better without it. So that's why I'm doing it.

On Thursday, which was my first day of not drinking, a bunch of us went to the pub. Although I love drinking at the pub, I had just a 7-up. On Friday, we went to La Carretta, my favorite place to get a strawberry margarita. Instead, I had coffee. Then tonight, we held a bbq at our house, with lots of booze. Still, I stuck with lemonade all night.

I'm pretty sure that I will drink again but then again, I might not. One thing that I'm realizing is that I don't really have a good queer outlet if I cut out the bars. So, I guess I now have the motivation to meet some good queers outside of the bar environment which is probably preferable anyway.

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