Friday, May 15, 2009

acer wild

Years and years (and years and years) ago, my high school science teacher was showing off to someone touring and pointed out a kid in our class (who's dad worked on computers) and said, "Here we have one of our students who is using a laptop computer and therefore saving paper." Like I said, that was eons ago and I'm sure the laptop was roughly the size of a pizza box but I thought that, when I go back to school, I should at least be as advanced as my high school classmate was seventeen years ago. Therefore, I bought an Acer laptop today.

I know that I went from laptop to desktop not too long ago but it makes sense for me now to get a laptop. Plus I got a DJ gig coming up and I want my own machine. I bought it at Fry's today and I'm really quite satisfied with it. The only thing is that, as with all new things, it's made our old equipment, primarily our wireless router, seem ancient. My new machine has the capability of moving quick as lightning but our router's not giving it anything. Our neighbor's wireless however is another story...

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