Friday, July 13, 2012

let's get radical

The OCF is typically (and incorrectly) thought of as a bunch of hippies in the woods. While there are a lot of hippies and more tie-dye than you'd care to imagine, there's a lot else going on at the Fair. However, today was probably the most radical speaking engagement I've ever seen there. In the picture above (from R to L) is Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers from the Weather Underground movement and Jeff Jones from SDS.

I've read Prairie Fire, the anthology/statement of the WU so it was awesome to be able to see and listen to two of the people that had a hand in writing it. People have given Ayers and Dohrn crap for turning liberal instead of radical based upon how the media aligned them with Obama. However, in listening to them speak and hearing about their experience with the campaign mishaps, it seems like they were still as radical as ever but just a little more seasoned now.
What else?

More pictures and Friday's outfit. It was a fun day although I think I spent most of it wandering around aimlessly after the Dohrn/Ayers event. At night, I went down to the gate and helped the security crew shuffle people back in after the fire show just outside the fair. Maria, a traffic person, gave me a fun light to use which helped. I strolled back into the fair later and happened upon a few music performances, one of which was Jaya Lakshmi, a new age yogi person who was singing beautifully while a DJ put a fun bass beat behind her. It made for fun dancing in the dark.

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