Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Ugh, it's birthday time again.

I don't know when I started not liking my birthday.  I actually think it's when I began living with people that have parties every year for their birthday.  I mean, big, themed, up-til-dawn parties.  I kind of feel like there is that expectation that I'm supposed to do that but that's not me.  I think all of my friends here know that by now but I still feel this nagging feeling inside like people are going to looking to me to enjoy myself.  Just because it is the anniversary in the man-made calendar of the day of my birth doesn't mean that it's going to automatically be a good day.  I think that I should have the right to treat it like any other day.  However, I also feel that people should buy me drinks.

Despite the stress of school and the responsibility of work, I ended up deciding pretty much at the last minute to go out.  Ashes and I went to the Pub At the End of the Universe because that's my fall back place but NOT ANYMORE.  I don't want to be really harsh on them but yeah I do, screw them because they turned me away on my BIRTHDAY for having a cracked ID.  Actually, they turned me away because the bartender is a jerk and most likely too stoned to make a Colorado Bulldog. 

On New Years Eve, they began serving liquor there.  Since it was my birthday, I decided not to go with a beer on tap and went with a mixed drink.  Yes, a lot of people in Portland get a confused look when I say, "Colorado Bulldog" which is when I throw out it's alias, "Smith & Wesson."  Still, this guy was confused so Ashes offered to look the drink up on his I-Phone App (ahhh the future).  The guy still didn't seem happy although nobody else was in the entire bar but us, him and the owner.  I've seen her a number of times too.  When I showed the bartender my ID, he said he was suprised that it was good for eight years and then refused to take it because the bottom is cracked.  I've had most barkeeps point this out but I've never had anyone turn me away (except Safeway and screw them too).  It was also insulting because I've been there so often, I don't look under 21, I have recommended numerous people to that pub AND it was my damn birthday.  The owner said they couldn't take it and asked me if I had another form of ID.  I told her yes, I have my passport and I'll show it to them at the C-Bar.  So I said me and my crew were going to meet up there instead.  The Pub is now dead to me and I will run it and it's too-stoned-to-serve staff into the ground whenever the topic of bars come up in any conversation.

Anyway, it may seem like that really pissed me off but I was actually fine with going to the C-Bar because I wanted food too and it's really difficult to get someone at the Pub to take your order for food, much less make it on time (see!).  The bartender at C-Bar didn't need me to explain what a Colorado Bulldog was and was even able to improvise one with non-sweetened whipped cream instead of half n half which they were out of.  I also had there Veggie Burger which Sophia says may be the best in town.  It was good but I don't know if I can say it's better than DC Vegetarian's.

Well, I did have a handful of friends come out.  It was nice and easy.  Just what I wanted.  BHT isn't pictured in the picture above because he took it and I stole it from his blog.  :)


Sarah said...

Happy (belated) birthday, Chris. Go C-Bar!! I heart Colorado Bulldogs, too. I'm glad you got to have one on your special day.

topher darling said...

Thanks Sarah!