Monday, February 8, 2010

the reluctant bike ninja

When I began biking, safety was a minor concern.  As I started to bike more, I got more and more careless, primarily because cautiousness on a bike is mostly due to the fact that there's so many damn dangerous drivers.  As Yehuda Moon says, why should I have to strap a hunk of styrofoam on my head even though car drivers are the problem?

However, I have since learned better and become more concerned about TBI so I wear a helmet.  Today, I also lost my bike light.  I swear that there is a mouse in our house who is stocking up on bike lights and thumb drives because I lose them impossibly quick.  Anyway, I had to head downtown after work but it was still daylight so I thought I'd have enough time to buy one quick.  Well, I didn't and I was downtown and unable to find an open shop.  I was surprised by how afraid I was of biking at night without a light.  I managed to do it by taking sidewalks and back roads and I made it to southeast where I found that every bike shop had just closed ten minutes ago as well.

I was safe enough getting home and I was probably unnecessarily cautious.  However the first questions any motorist will ask when they hear about a cyclist being hit by a car is "Did they have a helmet?" and "Did they have a light?" like it's their fault they got hit if they didn't have those things.  I don't want to give them that ammunition so I'm buying a light tomorrow.

What else?
I'm going away.  I decided this weekend that I was definitely going to go to the beach with Dean over my birthday weekend.  I shopped around this weekend for a rental house that would take a dog and I tried to figure out my transportation situation.  It would cost more to insure my car for a month than it would to rent a car for three days so that's the option I chose.  Screw Geico and 21st Century BTW.  I decided on a beach house and called.  It was booked but they were willing to let me stay in a better and cheaper one even though their ad said, "Small dogs only."  I put down the deposit, booked my car and set my sights on getting away.

Also, I got poked again.  Yesterday at the gym, I think I lifted too much as my right wrist was really hurting today.  I had no faith in Western medicine to fix it so I went to BCA.  It hurt when they poked around my wrist but I believe that it'll get better.  The good thing is though they told me not to lift for a week.  I feel like I'm been given a break!

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