Saturday, February 27, 2010

day of focus

I have hardly slept this week.  I spent the evenings researching my paper and I would dream about it at night.

I decided that it was time for me to get to work.  I started the morning at Papaccino's researching my paper.  After a bit, I realized that I couldn't really concentrate when I was there so I went to the PSU library instead.  Yesterday, my new thing was going to the fifth floor of library to find a magazine.  Today, I went back there because I saw that it was the quiet floor.  The above picture was the view I had in the window next to the desk I camped out at.  I spent at least five hours, focused on my paper and research, running up and down the floors (going to the basement for the first time), finding articles and ended with almost a complete paper.  I went back home and watched a documentary about social cognitive theory and finished the paper.

Really, I felt like I was in a montage that lasted nine hours but I came out of it smarter and got my paper done.  Yay!

What else?
I went to Barbarella tonight with Dominic, Ashes and Victory at the Bagdad as soon as I was done.  I remember watching the movie when I was really young, like back in 85 or 86.  The only part I remembered was the dolls with teeth biting Barbarella.  The movie is fascinating and funny but I wished I could have stayed awake for it.  Chances are I'll sleep better tonight though.

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