Wednesday, August 26, 2009

cold like symptoms

In the past, I've used my sick days for mental health days but today it was more legitimate. When I used to stay home sick from school, my mom would make me stay in my room, just to make sure that I didn't enjoy my day off. I did take more than my share of sick days and, even then, I was hardly ever really sick. I used to bring carrots and celery to chew up before science quiz time in Junior High and then spit them out in the toilets to make it more legitimate.

Using sick time when you're actually sick seems like a waste. However, my boss told us the other day that somebody in one of the outlet stores, where we don't have clients, was diagnosed with Swine Flu so we were told that we should stay home if we have 'cold/flu-like symptoms' so I stayed home today. Plus I wanted to rest up and be healthy

However, today since I was actually sick with actual symptoms, I was able to walk around and get out of my room. I hung took Dean for a walk to go the pharmacy and then hung out at the coffeeshop. While the nature of the day was relatively new to me, my new thing was the homeopathic medicine that my sister recommended. I think that it may have actually been better for me to get out of the house.

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