Wednesday, June 24, 2009

mental health day

Today, I took a mental health day from work and needed to escape. I couldn't decided whether to go to the woods or the beach so I did both. I checked out a Prius ZipCar for the day since I doubted my car could make it (it needs a tune up) and found a spot on the beach less than 90 miles from my house. It needed to be 90 miles or less because ZipCar will start charging you when you exceed 180 miles in a day.

We went to Cape Meares. It was wonderful. We had a great time with the hike through the woods to the beach and back. It's not the most relaxing beach around but it's always good to see the ocean. There's a lighthouse overlooking the cape too which adds to the allure of the spot. There was also just the right amount of woods to venture through before reaching the coast. The hike wasn't daunting but it was deep enough to drown out the sounds of traffic and allow one to feel like they're getting away from it all. The mental health day worked wonders and I feel I'm able to make it to the weekend!

Plus, I love hybrids! It's definetly a nice break from driving a big ole Lincoln Towncar around.

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