Saturday, August 29, 2009

jack johnson and 29 corpses

Every yoga class that I've been to has not lived up to the advertising. Yoga has the aura about being all healing and spiritual, done in a beautifully sunlit studio, maybe with some new agey music in the background or something like 'You Gotta Be' by Desiree. However, the yoga sessions I've been to previously have fallen short of that.

Today, I went to free day at the Yoga Union with some friends. It was very Bally's and, suprisingly, I enjoyed it more. The music was a tad distracting and the instructor would occassionally confuse her right with her left when verbally instructing us but overall, it worked for me. I was sold when they played a Jack Johnson song when we were all in the corpse pose. It was at the end of the session and the music and exercise gradually made sense to me. I don't normally care for Jack Johnson but damn, his music works well for corpses.

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