Friday, August 21, 2009

i love the nite life

A friend is moving to Ohio soon and he was lamenting the end of night life as he knows it tonight. It's something that I forget but I do remember going out when I first moved to Portland just to be out, not really anywhere in particular but just to be on the streets where the people were.

Tonight, after the SOPI/YBR event, we headed down to the Someday Lounge where some of our friends were performing. It was fifteen bucks to get in so we sat outside, thank you very much. However, it wasn't a terrible thing. It was beautiful outside. People (not just club girls and doucebags) were out and about and we were perfectly fine talking with friends outside and not actually going in.

I've been grieving for the night life that I once knew for the past year or so as well, the gay ghetto in Portland. It used to be where just walking up and down the street was enough and you didn't actually have to go into any one particular bar. There was usually a decent enough show going on outside. I'm glad I could regain a little of that tonite.

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