Wednesday, August 5, 2009

not too peachy

I eat shit. I don't mean that literally but I know that I don't eat well. Excluding breakfast, you could say that I have a carnival diet, consisting of processed mock-meats, fried potatoes (french fries or tater tots), pizza (and more pizza and more pizza) and burritos. Occassionally I'll make a salad, pasta or buy some thai food but, more often than not, I'm eating quick, easy and cheap but not too healthy. I think it's having an effect on my outlook too.

Today, I went to the Moreland Farmer's Market (for the first time) and decided that I was going to eat there. I steered away from the cheese and the sodas, as well as the prepared foods and went for the produce. When I get produce from the food box, it's often thisclose to rotting or it's simply toppings for sandwiches or fillings in omelettes. This produce looked good and I was going to eat it raw. Through sampling, I found myself surprising myself as I grabbed a peach.

I'm from the country but I don't eat me a lot of peaches. In fact, I've never ever eaten a full peach. Hell, I'm not quite sure if I've taken an actual bite out of a peach. I've had them cut up before but it was always tainted with memories of soggy peaches soaked in syrup that was served in middle-school. But the peach I sampled today was firm and damn delicious. I bought a single solitary peach, headed to West Moreland Park and indulged. It was really really good. I ate it down to the the seed. Peaches aren't the answer to a better diet for me but they're a good start.


Eric said...

Try a UFO peach if you ever find one. They're flat and delicious!

jennifer said...

I like peaches, but was dismayed to pay $1.50 for one at the Montavilla Farmer's marked a couple weeks ago!