Friday, May 16, 2008

silverados version 2.0

It must have been the heat but I felt restless tonight. I needed to get out so I decided to check out the new Silverados. They moved into their new location this year in January but I've been hesitant about going there for some reason. I'm not quite sure why.

Anyway, I LOVE it!!! It's a multi-level bar now with a balcony overlooking the main floor and the dancers. In the back, there's an additional small bar station to order drinks at and then there's an open atrium with water fountains and everything! And they have a lounge! At their previous location, the lounge was simply the keno machines in the back corner. It sucked. Here it's actually quieter with tasteful wood decor, a pool table and TVs that don't just show porn! Fucking amazing. The only bad part about the bar is how much of my paycheck it is going to eat up!

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