Thursday, May 8, 2008

working without a clipboard

When I first got an office job seven years ago, I lived by the philosophy that all you need to go is walk quickly and carry a clipboard and people will think that you’re busy. And it worked. My job at the time was to do schedules. This was a daunting task to my fellow managers and my boss. It looked impressive but it took me maybe two hours after I went all OCD with the look and uniformity of the schedules. After that, I was able to download techno music and log into Buddhist chatrooms.

Flash forward seven years at a different job for a different company in a different state. My department director’s assistant stopped me at random this morning and asked if I was okay. I said “yes” and “why?” She said that I’m just always so busy and she doesn’t know how I do it. And I don’t even carry around a clipboard anymore. I don’t think of myself as over-tasked but I do always volunteer for whatever menial task is available and I always always always get my paperwork in on time. Anyway, it got me to thinking that maybe I have been working too hard and not relaxing enough. So I took a break.

This isn’t a new thing in and of itself. I occasionally sneak away for coffee. However, this was at least an hour break. I debated even going back to the office at all. I just relaxed with a Dragonfly Chai and wrote in my journal while I watched people go in and out of the Three Friends Coffee Shop. I love having a job where my bosses really don’t check on me, as long as I get my stuff done. And I get it done (and unwittingly seem busy) because I love it. I feel like it makes a difference. I don’t pretend here.

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