Monday, October 24, 2011

jessica's birthday

I'm very bad at staying in touch with people. I blame facebook for a lot of that because it makes me lazy. The fact that I see someone's status every other day leaves me with the impression that we are still in touch. However, I don't write a long letter to them anymore and I don't call people and have long conversations. And everyone that I knew from a while ago is back in Nebraska so I don't hang out with them regularly. Jessica is the exception.

Of all of the people that I knew from my college days, Jessica is the one person that I talk to regularly. I love all of my friends that I've met in Portland but it's nice to have someone that knows a different side of me. Hell, most of my friends from here only met me after I was out. Jessica was the first person that knew me from before Portland that I came out to. I love hanging out with her once every other week or so and just catching up or reminiscing or whatever.

Tonight was her birthday and to celebrate it, I met her and her friends at the Slingshot Lounge in felony flats where they let a cat run free throughout the bar. It was cool to see her in her element with her Portland friends and then a few of us from Kearney. I think I may have to try to get together with her and our friend Shawn who we never see even though he moved up here years ago, and catch up just to stay in touch.

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