Monday, February 28, 2011

one of those conversations

When I came out to my parents in 2003, I waited til the last moment in my visit home.  I went home for my sister's wedding so it was hard to bring it up without taking any focus off her occasion.  Also, it just wasn't something that I really knew how to say.  Fear of the unknown reaction and potential disappointment had me all twisted up inside until I finally realized I just had to blurt it out.  When I did, it went better than I could have expected (love you, Mom and Dad!) and I felt like floating because the dread of it all had weighed on me so heavily.  Today, I had to have my second most uncomfortable conversation.

I've broken up with boyfriends, quit jobs and stood up to homophobic crowds.  This was still harder.  I decided a little bit ago that I wanted to move in with my friend Sophia.  She has a room open and I believe that as single people in our mid-thirties, we're both at similar places in our lives and this is what I need to do right now.  I also adore her, she adores Dean and she lives in a great neighborhood.

However, living with her means that I can't live with my current housemates whom I have lived with for seven years.  That's a significant time investment.  Really, I haven't lived in a house for seven years straight since third grade.  Wow!  Not only will it be an adjustment moving to a different location but not living with Ashes, Victory and Raven (and the cats) will be a hard adjustment for everybody.  It's not a decision that I made lightly and there was nothing negative that brought it on.  I love them all.  I just feel that I need to try something new.

Again, I've been dreading this conversation.  However, I wanted to let them know so they have time to prepare for the change.  It happened today that they were both home and Raven wasn't.  (If you're a Portland person, don't tell him yet because he doesn't know. We figured it would be best to have a plan first before telling him.)  I just blurted it out.  It wasn't easy but, like my coming out conversation, it wasn't a complete surprise to them either.

Anyway, the next few months will bring about a lot of change for me.  I can't say that it will all be for the best because I don't know that.  I'm looking forward to it and dreading it all at the same time for a number of reasons.  Mostly because it's something new and unknown.

What else?
Reuben month is over and I'm a couple of pounds heavier.  I finished with a bang today, having three Reubens; one from Chaos and two different kinds from Vita.  The cool thing was that they were the best three Veggie Reubens of the month too.

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