Friday, February 18, 2011

working for a vacation

It can't all be relaxing.

In order to be able to take this little trip, I had to wait for my birthday (so I could get a paid day off work) and then build up hours at my internship.  Really, I would say that I've earned the downtime.  Nonetheless, I spent a solid 8+ hours today working on my first paper of the quarter.  I hate to spend a vacation day doing it but it's due on Monday and it revolves around the assessment that I had to wait until Wednesday to get done so this is one of the few days when I can actually work on the paper.  There are worse things though than having complete solitude and a task.  I'm pretty proud of the paper too.  Now, I can really relax.

What else?

Bath time! Dean rolled in something on the beach during our evening walk so I had to check out the shops of Crescent City in search for adequate shampoo for him.  Then it was my turn for a bubble bath that almost melted me.

And I needed those comforts because today did get off to a rocky start.  Last night, I realized the curtains in the master bedroom were really just pretty pieces of sheer fabric and there's a street light right outside.  It was like bad design in a hotel room.  Then, I heard this beep.  Every ten seconds, something would beep.  I thought maybe my cellphone was trying to get my attention but it turns out that it was coming from outside.  There's a beacon, perhaps to warn ships, that goes off every ten damn seconds.  How do people not go crazy here?  If I lived here, I would have shimmied up that pole within the first two weeks and snipped some wires.  However, tonight, I'm just going to duct-tape a blanket across the window and use two space heaters to provide enough white noise to drown out the beep.  That and a calming bath will hopefully ensure that my second night's rest in CA will be more sleep-inducing than my first night here.

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