Monday, April 19, 2010

this is a disaster

I should have left my phone at home.

It was supposed to be my day off...sort of.  I am still getting paid but it's my school day.  I was going to do some training with a supervisor at the downtown store in the morning but ended up getting into a power struggle with a client who refused to use his walker to prevent himself from falling down.  I had to have a 30 minute meeting with him and it sucked.  I like him a lot but damn he is stubborn.

Before I got out of the meeting, I got a call from another co-worker that said a different client's mother injured herself and may not make it home from the hospital to care for her daughter so I had to get creative and then pushy and call all sorts of people throughout my statistics class.

Before my other classes, I was exhausted.  I keep telling myself that this is as rough as it's going to get because I never have to take three classes during the same quarter for the rest of my academic career.  I'm not so sure work won't get harder though.

What else?
Oh, speaking of school, I got a 100% on the group project where I was the social democrat.  Whoo-hoo!

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