Sunday, March 22, 2009

sunday driving

I remember hearing people say that the idea of a roadtrip was passe since gas prices were so high. I'm happy to say that it is not the case, at least not right now. I hate cars but I love getting out of the city for the pure enjoyment of getting out of the city. We took the new RV George out for a test run today to McIver Park and she passed with flying colors.

At my house, we've all been sick too long. A few weeks ago, I ran a high fever and was over it the next day. Then two weeks ago, my allergies kicked in and kicked my ass. All this past week, my housemates have all been sick. Friday night, I started to feel a head cold coming on. We've all been trapped in the house too long and a ride in the RV to a state park on a Sunday afternoon is just what the doctor ordered.

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