Friday, March 20, 2009

frakking lucky

I'm updating my blog from the Bagdad Theater, awaiting the series finale of Battlestar Galactica. The line was as long as it was the first time I came to watch it here but they cut off people a lot sooner. I was only a half block away when they announced that nobody else was getting in but we the people did not give up, at least not all of us did.

I didn't believe them and I didn't have anything to lose by hanging in there. They ended up handing out ticket, even though it's a free show, just to make sure they didn't exceed capacity. A few more were allowed in and then they cut it off right in front of me. I hung in there and finally the lady appeared with two more tickets and asked "Who was next?". I didn't let her finish before I grabbed the ticket & pushed my way in.

I made it! I searched for a seat and settled for a carpeted stair. They announced nobody else was getting in so the guy next to me offered a sweet ass seat.

So now I'm sitting cozy and giddy with anticipation. This is going to be an amazing two hours.

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