Friday, March 6, 2009

by the harbor way

In my OIS class, we had to come up with our stress relievers. A few of us had to think a little harder to come up with things other than drinking, etc. I decided that music soothes my savage beast and walking. Today sucked at work and I needed to practice my stress relievers in order to let go of it all for the weekend.

I had to go to PSU to finish turning in all of my transcripts so I opted to hoof it there from work. First off, it was a gorgeous day. Second, it's Friday. Third, I got a chance to walk along the river on the westside, south of the Hawthorne Bridge. I realized that I've never really explored this area. My first year here, I took Dean down to the docks and the dumbass jumped off of the dock there there was a eight inch railing which he couldn't climb back over. I had to grab his paws and drag him up onto the dock again, soaking myself in the process and breaking my CD player. Today was much more relaxing.

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