Tuesday, January 1, 2008

just one new year

If the first day is any indication of how a new year is going to be, I'm in for a smooth and easy time. We took Dean for a stroll around Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge today which isn't a new thing but we went to parts of it that were new and we ended up having to cross through the Oregon Yacht Club parking lot to get out. A guy came by and told us we were trespassing. That was new.

I made some resolutions today too. I don't give much credence to holidays or to the calendar year but it's a good time to remember when you decided to do something. For example, years ago, I became a vegetarian as a resolution and now I know exactly how long I've been one. This year, I want to learn sign language for one thing. I have other resolutions but I'll start there. I also want to actively make progress towards one resolution each day. What can I say? I do well under self-imposed discipline.

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