Sunday, December 16, 2007

top shelf

One of my fondest memories from Europe was sitting upstairs in Lenin’s kitchen with him, a good book and a bottle of Amaretto. Amaretto is my favorite. Therefore, I try not to drink it too much so I won’t get sick of it. Yet, that memory is so calming to me that I needed to buy a bottle today.

I bought it while Dean and I were on a walk today up Woodstock doing our Christmas shopping. I almost always go for the cheapest liquor whenever I buy it which isn’t too often. But today felt special. Maybe I was just in the spirit(s) but I wanted something nicer. I brought it home and shared it with the house. It soothed me like I knew it would. I think those things are important to realize and remember. We all need to know how to spell r-e-l-i-e-f.

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