Monday, December 10, 2007

taken for granted

Movies don't normally count as new things. Truth be told, I think I missed my actual "new thing" today unless I would count taking a slightly different path to my stores today. But I'd much rather talk about the movie.

I downloaded and watched "Small Town Gay Bar" today. It's a documentary about a gay bar in northeast Mississippi. They talk about how rare and amazing it is that there is a gay bar in a town with a population of around 1000 people in the bible belt. To me, it's flabbergasting. I went to college in a town with a population just under 25,000. There was rumor that there was a "gay bar" operated out of a residence but that it rotated locations for fear of redneck retribution. People in this documentary talk about taking their life into their own hands by approaching this bar. I can totally understand that. It's not just amazing that there's a gay bar there. It's fucking brave.

The documentary made me think about how easy I have it here. I can go to the gay bars but I'm usually too poor to. However, I wouldn't fear for my life heading there. Also, I can sash-shay a little more at work if I'm in the mood and not feel the threat of a community turning against me. I think about how far I've come, where I'm at and where others are and I feel that I've been taking it all for granted.

I think I'm wear something a little more flashy to work tomorrow.

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