Saturday, December 1, 2007

preparing for the dark

The weather in Portland is so mild and tedious that I welcome storms. However, I may be asking for more than I am prepared for. At least two typhoons are said to be colliding in the Pacific and we are supposed to feel the ramifications here in Portland. The paper yesterday said that it would be the first time that the city of Portland has ever had hurricane winds up to 100 mph. So we are getting ready.

Ashes and I went and bought lamp oil and candles today. I'm going to get food early tomorrow from our food donations and we will have plenty of firewood. Nothing will probably happen. Like I said, Portland's weather is annoyingly mundane, so much so that it will undoubtedly dull this storm down to a forceful breeze. I suppose I should be thankful, after growing up in the tornado belt but I would like something other than overcast and flat rain. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish we got to tell ghost stories in the dark! Oh well, maybe next time ...