Sunday, August 19, 2012

big girl

This sweet cat greeted Andrew and me as we exited the Reed Lake hike onto Reedway Lane near 39th St. She was probably the heaviest, most docile cat ever. If I was going to own a cat, I hope this is how she'd be.

What else?
Brunch at Detour for the 1st time. I remembered I don't like Frittatas.

After brunch and walk, we hung out with Andrew's friend/ex Mark and then the two of us (Andrew and I) went to grab food and play our game, Battleline. We play this game a lot and we've even developed our own names to recognize ways to win. And then we  made it a drinking game of sorts too but only in the respect that, if you win that way (by getting what we call a peacock cuz we're gay like that), you owe the other person a drink. Andrew got one shortly after we named it and it's been a while but I finally got one today!

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