Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2.5 mile morning

I've been meaning to walk to work since moving into Muffin HQ but I wasn't able to because either I had to use my bike/car to get to another work site, I had to get home at lunch to let Dean out or I had to get to the gym right after work. Busy busy busy. However, today all of the cards fell into place for the first time. It wasn't raining, I worked out yesterday, and my co-worker left for vacation and left me in charge of the work van so I can use it to go to the other sites and let Dean out at lunch.

On the way to work, I listened to an NPR interview with Aaron Paul on playing Jesse on Breaking Bad. t was a fabulous way to start a morning and a year.

What else?
I deleted the Twitter link on the side of the page. I only ever had one person follow the blog on twitter and it didn't update correctly so I lost the one follower and just ended up getting rid of it. I'm trying a new feature instead which is signing up via e-mail to receive notifications of new posts. I'm going to try to be timely about my posts so ideally interested people could check back daily. However, if one wanted to be notified whenever I post, the e-mail link should work...hopefully. I may also be reformatting the page in the near future.

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