Friday, April 29, 2011

nature of the business

Today I went to the Bridgeport Brewery for the fanciest going-away party I've ever seen for one of the staff of my internship.  I don't interact with him much but he's been at the agency for 12 years which is something to recognize because it's very rare.  It's very common in this industry to have high turnover.  Social services is impacted by the bad job market but it seems like people can't stay in the same field for very often.  I thought my regular job was an oddity in that it has relatively high turnover for the case manager position.  However, in the eight months I have been at my internship, I have seen four case managers leave and two more just announced their impending exit.  That's bad turnover even by my job's standards.

Well, at least I know that if things ever go sour with my current job, I can always turn to my internship for employment opportunities.

What else?
I had to give a speech about two of my clients at my job today in recognition of their 25 and 35 years of service at the company. It went well but one of the guys farted a really long fart after he stood up when they called his name.  I was too busy getting ready to talk about him and didn't notice but he was right in front of the president of the company when he did this.  Also my supervisor who was across the room heard it.  Oh well, that's the nature of my job too.

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