Saturday, November 6, 2010

not so goode

A long night, high drama and paper put off until the weekend before it's due all made for a crappy crappy day today.  However, it was nice for me to be able to take advantage of having a table set up in our dining area and spread my homework out.  Nine hours later and I'm done.  I don't think that it's my best work but it's passable.  I don't know anymore.  After a day of working on it and nothing else, my brain is fried. Soooo, it's the perfect time for cartoons.

Melissa twittered out about this cartoon the other day and it was my source of relief today.  That and this video of a puppy sleeping.  It's hard to believe this cartoon about a vegan, anti-oppressive, anti-consumerist family was created by Mike Judge.  A lot of the jokes poke fun at the contradictions inherent in the lifestyle but it still is way awesome.  I needed some awesome today.  The episodes are available through youtube.

What else?
 My new thing today was eating duck eggs.  I've never really thought about the possibility of eating them before but they were fine.  They were from a friend's land so it felt much better to eat them rather than store bought.

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